

A Christmas In Africa

I love  you more than you know. Thank you for your support and love. I hope that you had the most incredible Christmas. I would love to hear about it! It breaks my heart that the Christmas season is over, but I am determine to keep the spirit of Christ alive all year round. I had the amazing opportunity to skype my Sister Mary, in Africa. It was my first time seeing her face to face and it was like nothing I have ever experienced. I immediately started crying and the feeling of love overwhelmed my heart. I was surprised at how easy it was to talk to her and connect with her. We compared childhoods and laughed over good things. I sang and played the ukulele for my 2 year old niece. It was funny because she thought it was a movie, but then I started saying her name and she like freaked out haha! I was blessed to share a short scripture with them out of the Book of Mormon and it was interesting to see my older sister lean into the camera more as I was teaching . She really was taking to heart everything I was saying. Just then I realized that my words and energy are what can inspire others. It made me more aware of how I want to be. She expressed her gratitude for me and for her Heavenly Father. She's Methodist and I thought to myself " So you're saying there's a chance?" She brought me outside to see Africa and it was surreal. I can't wait to go and visit her and connect with her even more! I then got to talk to my family in Boston and I can not even describe my excitement and love for each of them. We are all so different and unique but it works! My mom was beautiful. I really miss her some days.
I got to participate in some of Sister Belnap's traditions as well! Christmas eve, we had a Bethlehem dinner. We got foods that they would eat in Bethlehem (hummus, pita, grapes, cheese) and we set up blankets on the floor and dressed up in nativity clothes. We even drug our beds out and slept under our humble tree. We laughed and ate by candlelight. It was spectacular to feel the real spirit of Christmas enter our tiny apartment. This Christmas has been one to remember for the ages. I have been inspired to share so many things with my family and future family.
I have also been making amazing spiritual discoveries about myself and what I want to do with the life God has given me. I am learning to not fear the light He bestowed in me. Sometimes it's hard, but I want to focus on beautiful positive things.
"Shun no effort to make yourself remarkable in some talent" -Seneca

It also poured most of the holiday! Oh well! Tis the season!



So lately I've been extremely interested in the Pure love of Christ, which is Charity. In the Bible Dictionary, Charity is described as "the highest, noblest, strongest kind of love, not merely affection." Charity honestly never fails but without it, we fail. It softens hearts and creates a real sense of "Christmas cheer". As humans, we tend to embrace pride and sometimes fear, quicker than we embrace charity and humility and trust. A wise woman told me the what we focus on, expands. Let us focus on truly and honestly loving the people placed in our lives, especially during this season, and I promise it will expand throughout your entire being. As I serve other families, I grow a deeper understanding for my own family as well! I can't wait to embrace them on Christmas! I love each one of you! Have the best Holiday!


Merry and Bright

The People Around Me

Sister Petersen: Honest
This is my girl on fire! I have loved every second of being her companion. Every on of her emotions is so honest and true. She will never deny that she feels the spirit, nor allow anyone else to either. She  has helped me to not be afraid of my feelings or impressions.  She has inspired me to be honest with the ones I love most in a way that encourages people to be better. I am grateful for you and I love you Pete. 



So I remember my first semester at The University of Utah. I was nervous and scared out of my mind. I knew practically no one and I hadn't been dancing as long as the others in my class. I was amazed and intimidated by the beautiful souls around me. I would stay after school and practice my butt off in the studios but I still felt like I wasn't making any progress. Before we left for our first Thanksgiving break, one of my dance teachers pulled me over to the side. She told me that she had been watching me after classes and how much I was working. She held my face in her hands and told me "You are enough". I had never had anyone other than family tell me that. That sparked a new confidence that I never knew I could find. When I started to trust myself and believe that I was enough to be in the classes with the best, I felt safe and I felt real joy. Out here on the mission, I have felt Satan beating me down with every insecurity that I never knew I had. The weight was incredible, but I was reminded by Sister Madsen (soul sister) that I was more than enough for this mission. I was enough for my dear friends. I have gained confidence though making others happy. I'm inspired by good souls. She told me I should feel honored to have Satan ragging on me all the time and I never thought about it like that. He sees my potential and he sees each and every one of yours. He won't stop until we're defeated. He doesn't want us to believe we're worth the fight. I honestly don't know what any of you are going through, but please know that you are enough. You're worth it. I am learning that now and THANK GOODNESS we don't have to be perfect! We can make our trials opportunities to feel God's love. Be strong dear friends and know that you make a difference because you're different.

The People Around Me

Elders Van Buren and Linton: Bold
(of a person, action, or idea; showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous.)
I have had the honor of with serving with 2 of the boldest missionaries in this mission. They wear their testimony on their sleeve and their heart is honest. It's amazing to watch how fearless they are when they testify of our Savior. They fear not what man can do to them. They understand what it means to care for the people around them and they don't hold back. They have been fierce friends to us and I will be forever grateful. Thanks Vanny and Lint for teaching me to be bold in my actions towards others and my God. Prattville BFFS for life!


14 Months

I am grateful for my simple but full life. I have seen God's hand in every beautiful moment of my life. As I've been on this path of true discipleship, I've had the joy of recognizing my abilities, habits, weaknesses, strengths and fears. I never thought I'd ever get to the point where I was grateful for my insecurities but the people around me have inspired me to embrace every good thing and allow God to mold my weaknesses into strengths. Recently, I had the opportunity to hear a man's journey from Zimbabwe to America. His story was heart breaking and incredible. With every trial he faced, he never forgot to thank God for his circumstances. He knew without a doubt that God was carving his path. The joy on his face was real and immovable. I had never seen anything like it. He reminded me a lot of my mother. She trusts so effortlessly. I strive to grasp every good thing, no matter where I am and trust effortlessly.
The time is going and my soul is aging. I'm happy.