


So I remember my first semester at The University of Utah. I was nervous and scared out of my mind. I knew practically no one and I hadn't been dancing as long as the others in my class. I was amazed and intimidated by the beautiful souls around me. I would stay after school and practice my butt off in the studios but I still felt like I wasn't making any progress. Before we left for our first Thanksgiving break, one of my dance teachers pulled me over to the side. She told me that she had been watching me after classes and how much I was working. She held my face in her hands and told me "You are enough". I had never had anyone other than family tell me that. That sparked a new confidence that I never knew I could find. When I started to trust myself and believe that I was enough to be in the classes with the best, I felt safe and I felt real joy. Out here on the mission, I have felt Satan beating me down with every insecurity that I never knew I had. The weight was incredible, but I was reminded by Sister Madsen (soul sister) that I was more than enough for this mission. I was enough for my dear friends. I have gained confidence though making others happy. I'm inspired by good souls. She told me I should feel honored to have Satan ragging on me all the time and I never thought about it like that. He sees my potential and he sees each and every one of yours. He won't stop until we're defeated. He doesn't want us to believe we're worth the fight. I honestly don't know what any of you are going through, but please know that you are enough. You're worth it. I am learning that now and THANK GOODNESS we don't have to be perfect! We can make our trials opportunities to feel God's love. Be strong dear friends and know that you make a difference because you're different.


  1. Dear Cheryl, this is exactly what I needed this morning! Thank you! I hope you are doing well! I love seeing your beautiful photos. Love and miss you girl xo

  2. Great thought, Cheryl! It sounds like you are doing a lot of good out there!

  3. You are an angel! I sure hope to be real in the flesh friends soon! Love reading your posts!

    1. Thank you so much my dear friend! I hope we get to meet as well! I love you already!!
