

14 Months

I am grateful for my simple but full life. I have seen God's hand in every beautiful moment of my life. As I've been on this path of true discipleship, I've had the joy of recognizing my abilities, habits, weaknesses, strengths and fears. I never thought I'd ever get to the point where I was grateful for my insecurities but the people around me have inspired me to embrace every good thing and allow God to mold my weaknesses into strengths. Recently, I had the opportunity to hear a man's journey from Zimbabwe to America. His story was heart breaking and incredible. With every trial he faced, he never forgot to thank God for his circumstances. He knew without a doubt that God was carving his path. The joy on his face was real and immovable. I had never seen anything like it. He reminded me a lot of my mother. She trusts so effortlessly. I strive to grasp every good thing, no matter where I am and trust effortlessly.
The time is going and my soul is aging. I'm happy.

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