

Give Thanks

Hello good people!!! I have missed you all and hope that you are having an amazing life! Thank you for your letters and your support. I can't express to you how much a simple letter or email can change my whole week!
So lots of fun things have been happening this past week! I ran a 5K on Saturday and it seriously was such a great experience! Another sister and I ran it together and anytime people around us felt weary, we would sing hymns to keep pushing them forward. Honestly I'm not sure if my singing Personally helped them, but they were polite enough not to comment on it hahaha! It was also my mother's birthday that day and I had a lot of time to reflect on life lessons that she had taught my siblings and I. I guess with it being the holiday season, I want to share how our mother taught us about gratitude. Growing up, we didn't have a lot of money, but my mother made us feel like the richest kids on the planet, especially around the holiday season. For Thanksgiving, our mother would save up as much as she could to allow us to have an amazing Thanksgiving meal. Though it wasn't a lot from the outside looking in, it was a lot to us. All we ever needed for the holidays was each other. Now of course we are older and we have different wants and needs and sometimes we would find ourselves comparing ourselves to others. We would see the things that other families had and we started to loose value in our beautiful small thanksgiving meals that we use to love so much. As I spend another thanksgiving away from my family, I see the value in them So much more.

Good people, be grateful for what you have. Thank the lord for your family, no matter how crazy they are! Love the people around you because our time is limited.

Be Rad and enjoy your Thanksgiving!!! Mail me turkey if you can! Haha just kidding! Stay safe!
~Sister Cheryl Neufville
P.S. I am staying in Montgomery another 6 weeks so if you could please send ANY holiday packages or letters to This Address:

2845 Zelda Rd. Apt. P7
Montgomery, Alabama 36106

Love you all! Pictures of the 5K are coming soon to a blog near you!

(Halloween in the Field!)


Simple Prayers

Hello good people!!! I hope you have had an amazing life! Last week was a holiday and our computer time was limited so...yeah I am back! So many things have happened in the spand of 2 weeks. I really didn't expect to have a new experience every single day! It is amazing seeing the hearts of others change for the better and in return, I am changing as well!
So I guess I should share one of the many amazing experiences that I have had. So many of you know that I have a film camera. I love this camera people, like it's the camera I will probably use on my kids. So when I was leaving to go to my new area in Montgomery, I accidentally left my camera in a church building in Birmingham. I hadn't heard any word from it and I had come to the conclusion that I may not see it again. I tried not to let it get to me. I prayed that my camera would at least be in good hands and I let it go. A few days later, I lost an earring that my mother had given me before I left. That upset me a  lot more because I knew those earrings were a sacrifice for my mom to get me. After 2 weeks of nothing, I finally knelt down in prayer. At first I felt silly praying for earrings but I felt so much better afterwards. The next morning I was working out and I looked over at the window. The Sun was coming in and it hit a small object on the floor. I crwaled to it and lying perfectly was my earring. I didn't cry but I felt so happy that God heard my simple prayer. Later on that day I got a phone call that they had found my film camera and that it was in good hands! I seriously started laughing I couldn't believe it!
I know that simple prayers can be amswered when you pray with sincerity and whole heartedly. I know that simple prayers is what got me this far. Wheteher it's prayoing for inspiration to help others or knowing how to comfport them, the Lord delivers!Prayers can be used at any time people! I love you all! Stay Rad,
Sister Neufville

P.S. My Mom's Birthday is on Saturday!!!! Love you Mama!!


1 Month Mark!!!!

Hello good people!!!! I hope that you are well and loved!! I am happy to say that Saturday marks one month since I have been on my mission! It seriously feels like longer. I have met such amazing people and through helping other I have discovered new amazing layers of myself I didn't know I had.

So I guess this week has been crazy! I received a package from my family (yay)! It was mostly skin and hair products (organic, you know). My hair has grown so much! The sides were shaved completely before I left and now I can pull on hair there! It's crazy! I have been sick the past few days and eventually had to stay home. Everyone was really sweet to me and took care of me. One of the Spanish Speaking Sister Missionaries taught me Spanish! I failed miserably but I really want to try and get it! I drank lots of water and slept. It honestly was really hard to stay home but I knew I wouldn't be doing anybody justice if I went out. I went on my first Exchange on Saturday! So an exchange is when you go with a different companion for a day or two in a new area! It was really fun! I got to witness my first convert baptism! Even though the process was a bit stressful, it was amazing to see this sweet person's life about to change! On Sunday my companion and I taught an amazing lesson to the young women (ages 12-18). It went sooooo well! It was about them realizing their self worth! It was a very powerful/emotional lesson. You could just tell these girls needed to hear it from someone who could really relate to them. I have slowly come to the realization that I love teaching. I love seeing progression in the people I teach! It brings me such joy!
Anyway, life is happening and I hope it Is for you as well! Remember : You Are Enough
Stay Fly and Rad my friends!

*I will have pictures from this week coming up soon!