

Simple Prayers

Hello good people!!! I hope you have had an amazing life! Last week was a holiday and our computer time was limited so...yeah I am back! So many things have happened in the spand of 2 weeks. I really didn't expect to have a new experience every single day! It is amazing seeing the hearts of others change for the better and in return, I am changing as well!
So I guess I should share one of the many amazing experiences that I have had. So many of you know that I have a film camera. I love this camera people, like it's the camera I will probably use on my kids. So when I was leaving to go to my new area in Montgomery, I accidentally left my camera in a church building in Birmingham. I hadn't heard any word from it and I had come to the conclusion that I may not see it again. I tried not to let it get to me. I prayed that my camera would at least be in good hands and I let it go. A few days later, I lost an earring that my mother had given me before I left. That upset me a  lot more because I knew those earrings were a sacrifice for my mom to get me. After 2 weeks of nothing, I finally knelt down in prayer. At first I felt silly praying for earrings but I felt so much better afterwards. The next morning I was working out and I looked over at the window. The Sun was coming in and it hit a small object on the floor. I crwaled to it and lying perfectly was my earring. I didn't cry but I felt so happy that God heard my simple prayer. Later on that day I got a phone call that they had found my film camera and that it was in good hands! I seriously started laughing I couldn't believe it!
I know that simple prayers can be amswered when you pray with sincerity and whole heartedly. I know that simple prayers is what got me this far. Wheteher it's prayoing for inspiration to help others or knowing how to comfport them, the Lord delivers!Prayers can be used at any time people! I love you all! Stay Rad,
Sister Neufville

P.S. My Mom's Birthday is on Saturday!!!! Love you Mama!!


  1. Love this story. Love YOU! Glad you are doing so well. I'm sure you are having LOADS of challenges but they make you so so so much stronger!!! You're amazing! Love, Linds

    1. Thank you so much Lindsay! You are such an amazing inspiration to me and I hope that you are well!
