


"The greatest wealth is health." - Roman Poet

As I have gotten older, I have discovered that the physical and spiritual state of a human is intertwine immensely.  In high school, I would eat whatever I wanted because I was so active, I never gained any weight. But now looking back on it, I was always upset and angry for no apparent reason. I was spiritually disconnected and I always felt like I never had enough energy. When I got into college, I started making changes in my diet. I stopped eating fast food and started to chow down on my fruits and veggies. I have always worked out, so nothing really changed there, but I started to notice physical and spiritual changes within myself. I was able to concentrate more in school. I laughed a lot more and found joy in the smallest things. I could really see God's direction in my life a lot clearer. I felt more well rested, therefore I could get more things done during the day without crashing every 45 minutes. And obviously the physical benefits were awesome as well, but I realized how blessed we are to have a body. Our body is the house for our spirits. It literally is a gift from God and when we take care of it, He blesses us in so many ways. There are times where I nit pick at my body. There are times (more times than I like to admit) when I just hated my body, but I realize in those moments that those thoughts aren't coming from our Father in Heaven. Satan is the biggest hater in the world. He doesn't want us to see our bodies as a gift and a joy and he will try anything to make us think otherwise. Good people, remember that God's love is always around you. He made you the way you are for a reason. What a gift!!! Take care of our bodies and it will take care of you! Love you to the moon and back! 

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