

As of Lately

The People Around me

Sister Madsen: Light
the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible;having a considerable or sufficient amount of natural light; not dark.
OK I honestly don't even know how I can describe this dear friend! She is literally Walking Sunshine! I promise it's not only that beautiful California glow! This girl's light is so apparent and radiant, you can feel the warmth from her presence! I am grateful to be inspired by her. She encourages me to be 100% of my best self, 100% of the time! Her humility is incredible and I know that God has blessed me with her! Thank you Sister Madsen for teaching me the value of my light though yours!


Sharing Goodness

Hello good people! Lately I've been thinking about the amazing time period that we live in. We have been blessed to connect with people and move people in more ways than we ever had before. We have so much power at the tips of our fingers. We have the power to inspire others with a message or post. How incredible is that?! I've been thinking about the intent behind the things we do. Are we striving to edify others? I know that so much joy overwhelms my simple heart when I make someone else feel of worth and value. Elder David A. Bednar, a leader of our church, gave an amazing talk on how we can use the media to "Edify and uplift others". He explains it as Sweeping the Earth "as with a flood". We can flood the social world with messages of inspiration and direction to our loved ones. I few months ago I explained that I would stop the posts for a little while. I knew that at the time, my intent wasn't my best. Now I see the value in uplifting others through the social media. I want to "share goodness" not to get praise or seek attention, but to encourage someone else! We had a general authority visit us a few weeks ago and he announced that we would be getting ipads in the next few months.  I know that this was inspired and I am grateful for the opportunity we have to bring joy and peace to others! I'm not sure if I ever told ya'll that I had two sisters n Africa that I've never met before (I'll have to share my story sometime), but because of the internet and modern tech. I am able to know of them and their goodness. To know I can share something with my long lost sisters across the world that brings them serenity (especially at this time), comforts my soul. Anyway, I will be posting again, but sparingly. Check out the video by Elder Bednar whenever you get the chance. Let's sweep this Earth ya'll! To the moon and back,
I love ya'll

As of lately

Shennetta's Baptism

Multi Zone Conference

Kyia's Baptism


Alisa and Aliyah

We love to see the Temple


1 Year

I walk the streets of Alabama, tired and sometimes hungry. My skirts fit, but they're worn. My legs scar from the endless mosquito bites. The weight of the scriptures in my backpack cause me to ache at night sometimes. Sweat seeps into my eyes, causing them to burn. The Alabama heat is beautiful but has no mercy. My heart has never been more full. My smile has never been so big and honest. This is my life right now.  This is what I do. I put on my tag and I say a pray and I have never been more aware than at this moment that it ends. My time out here actually does end and it scares and inspires me. Time isn't given to me, no matter how bad I wish I could stay in moments for eternity. The one thing that is given to me, is what I do with the time I have. I can't go back and time and fix my mistakes. Sometimes I wish I could, but I can't. I realize that I wouldn't be me without them. I have an amazing Opportunity to believe in the power of forgiveness. Change can happen through Christ. I am not done changing. I am still being molded into the person God Needs me to be. He has more for me to learn through serving His children and that doesn't stop once the mission stops. So, as much as I want to reflect and sit and pray that time would stop, I can't. It keeps moving and so do I. I pray and hug strangers and it fuels my spirit. The doors slammed in my face creates my testimony of Christ. I laugh after a day of tears, and I feel His peace. It's not over for me. Not yet.