

Transfer Meeting

So this past Wednesday was transfer meeting! For those that don't know what that is, basically it's a meeting that we have when missionaries are being assigned a new area. My companion Sister Waters was leaving so I received a new companion. I was nervous at first to be getting a new companion, especially because I still felt so fresh and unfamiliar. I was a little scared to be on my own without a trainer. Then there is the horrible fear that my companion and I wouldn't be in harmony. Throughout the week, I was thinking of who I could possibly be with (out of like the 10 missionaries that I know) and one Sister kept popping into my head. Sister Cooper is another African American missionary from the East coast. We met at the Christmas Party and she seemed like a pretty chill person. For some reason I kept thinking about her and I being together as a companionship. When I got to transfer meeting, Sister Waters asked me who I thought my new companion was going to be. I pointed right to Sister Cooper.I had never felt so confident about my answer. I had the feeling to go up and talk to her for a bit before the meeting started. She told me that she kept thinking about me this week and that we were going to be companions! Trying not to freak out, I told her I felt the same! I personally didn't want to get my hopes up so I tried to push the thought out of my head. As they were anouncing the new companionships, I noticed Sisetr Cooper still hadn''t been called. Finally they announced the Montgomery Area. They usually show your picture and your new companion on a big screen.
"Sister Neufville and Sister Cooper will be serving together." My jaw practically unhinged and the whole room gasped. I tried not to scream. To be honest I was pretty freaked out. I had never "called" anything and have been right before. I quickly gathered my things and went to meet her. Her eyes were filled with tears and we were both shaking. We both felt the spirit super strong and we knew we were put together for a reason. We've only been together for a short time, but it feels like we've known each other before. We are both Liberian. We both have siblings in Africa. Our dads even have the same name!!! It's pretty freaky! I feel this companionship happened for a reason and I can't wait to find out what it is! 

We were also matching that day. No, it was not planned.

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