

This Week

Hello good people! I hope that you are having a spectacular week! This week was one of the best weeks of my mission. I have learned that I need to be more aware of Jesus' love for me. I was at a member's house and their little granddaughter was going through our bags. Part of me prays that she doesn't pull out something embarrassing, but luckily this this time she pulled out a picture of Jesus Christ. With a huge smile on her face, she turned to me and said "Jesus Loves You."There was nothing but pure Honesty in her voice. At that moment I realized that I have been saying that to people out here on my mission, but nobody had ever said it to me. I forgot that I needed to hear that at times. I have always been the person to lift people up but I think I get so lost in it, I forget to remember my worth to my Heavenly Father. I tried to hold back tears as I soaked in what she said. I am so grateful for those small reminder that Heavenly Father places in front of me that help me remember who I am and who I can turn to. For those who may not hear that their Savior Loves you as much, He does. So Much.

The sweet girl that reminded me of the Saviors love.

Please enjoy pictures of recent mission life.
Goodbye Friend

New Year's Eve

Sweet Dot

We went Africa on All  of them!

New Kids on the Block!

Double Dutching Hard core!
Pretty cool Kids!

Love this Mission! Have a wonderful week!


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