

Hello good people! I hope that you are well and truly feeling the Christmas spirit! I kow I am! I had a pretty exciting week! On Monday we had lunch with my bishop and his wife! They expressed our appreciation for us and our characters! Aparently, they havn't had much luck with missionaries in their congregation in the past but our spirits have turn things around. Honestly I can totally feel the change in the members toward us and i've only been here 8 weeks! They are involving us more with teaching opprotunities! We are giving talks and doing skits for the young children. This weekend is the ward Christmas party and they asked me to dance! Of course I said yes! This past week our church hosted the annual interfaith Nativity Exhibit and they wanted us to help out hosting! It is such a blessing to feel their love for us because We really do love them! If you have cool ideas on how we can serve them, please write me!
Ok so unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of the nativities because my film camera ran out of batteries but you will just have to take my word for it when I say that when you enter the cultural hall, It feels like you have escaped into a spiritual, Christmas Paradise! There were over 400 Nativities from all over the world! They also had amazing performances going on in between. Us Sister Missionaries got to bust out a few songs (trust me, I had no choice). One of our investigators came with a friend! She stayed to watch the Christmas Devotional. During, she whispered to her friend " You know when you feel like you belong somewhere? I know I belong here." I started tearing up! She is getting baptized next weekend! I have truly felt the Christmas spirit through helping others and eliminating my needs from the situation! My dear friends please check out this video and let us all remember the true spirit of CHISTmas.

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