

Green Is The New Black

So when I was in high school, I could go to McDonald's after school everyday, order whatever I wanted, go home and eat dinner, and still maintain a decent six pack. Now I am 20 and I am finding out that I can't just eat whatever I want and expect to look or Feel 100%! So after my Vegas trip, i have been trying to change my eating habits (vacation and diets aren't exactly realistic). I want to feel healthy, not just look it. My friend Shakira has taught me a lot about portion control ( my weakness). She also suggested to go vegan at least 3 times a week. I recently went to a vegan potluck, and it was so fun and yummy! Anyway, I've been feeling AMAZING ever since I switched the big mac for whole  wheat pasta with veggies! My skin is better and I can workout for longer periods of time! My hair is also growing faster, which is sometimes impossible in this dry weather. Anyway check out some of my progress :)!

The gym in my apartment complex

End of Summer Goal Jeans

I've been dancing as well

Oatmeal with yogurt and black berries

Summer Snack

Vegan Potluck Love


Father's Day

My Father was a difficult man. He left when I was young and he left emotional scars. I recently had the chance to talk to him and let him know that I forgave him for everything that he put my family through. That was one of the best things that could of happened for both of us. Through my father's mistakes I have learned what I real man isn't. I pray for a man that will be amazing to my children. I want my children to have the father I never had. I also know that I have a father in heaven that loves me deeply. I won't go into details about the qualities I want in the father of my children, but if they are trying to live their life as faithful and honest as they can I think i'll be alright. If I had learned anything from the men in my life, is that you won't know a good man until you experience a bad one. Daddy I still love you. And thank you for accidentally teaching me the real value of a man.