

The People Around Me

President Hanks: Steadfast
resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.
My mission president is a steadfast, diligent and valiant servant of the Lord. He knows that the foundation of God is the most important ground we should stand on. He is the perfect example of leaning on our Savior in every situation. He knows us and helps us to see the potential God has for each one of us! I am beyond grateful that he is set apart to help us grow and learn. I hope he knows that he has inspired a young life to "lean into the church" as he would say, and will be willing to"hunt us down" if we ever forgot it haha! I am grateful to have an immovable president. Thank you President Hanks!


11 Months

Hello Good people! I thank God everyday that I was humble enough to listen to His council to come out here. As of today, I am 11 months out and I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am to see the hearts of people change before my very eyes. I honestly can't put it into words. This life is something else. Each life is so unique and different and I love it! We are surrounded by people that inspire our way of life. I believe we have the choice to be inspired or be offended by others examples. I am grateful of each growth pattern. 
Last week we had zone conference and it was probably the most inspiring conference I have ever been too! I have learned to accept others confidence in me and my abilities. I have learned to thank people that have inspired you, because most likely they don't even know they did anything. I have learned to stay firm in the faith no matter what anyone else is doing. I have learned that you can totally fall on your face, and get up and win the race! My friends, we are in a race towards Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! We aren't against anyone but our former selves! Be better than you were 20 minutes ago. I continue to learn that every single day. I am finally seeing my worth and abilities and it's an amazing feeling. I find connections to Heavenly Father in ways I wouldn't expect. I find my mind is clearer when I teach or surround myself with dear friends...or even if I go on the back porch and strum my purple ukulele haha! Do whatever makes you happy!
I love you to the moon and back.