

My dear friends and family, this morning I woke up to the most amazing realization. When I decided to come out here, I was so excited to let go of my normal life and to spiritually grow through serving others. I wanted to let go of things of the world and just focus on fully serving the Lord. Lately for some reason I still feel like I'm focusing on things that aren't necessarily bad, but doesn't help me focus on my spiritual goals.  Good people, I love sharing my experiences with you. Lately I have found myself pre planning my next post or getting too excited when I see the views. I don't want to lose the value of my spiritual experiences and I don't want to make my life seem amazing to please a crowd. Now don't get me wrong, I love sharing the stories of my skirt getting caught in my bike or the lessons I have learned but I think I'm getting wrapped up in sharing my stories instead of living them for this time in my life. I will be stopping the posts for a little while (hopefully we get I pads soon). I wasn't told by anyone to do this, I just want to set this time apart. I can't wait to get on again and tell you about this crazy and wonderful mission life. I still want to hear about your beautiful and full lives. I can't put my mailing address on here but I will leave my email. Send me a message sometime! Let me know what I can do to strengthen and uplift you and Vise Versa! I love you all good people. Please remember your worth in the eyes of God is great and powerful.

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