

My dear friends and family, this morning I woke up to the most amazing realization. When I decided to come out here, I was so excited to let go of my normal life and to spiritually grow through serving others. I wanted to let go of things of the world and just focus on fully serving the Lord. Lately for some reason I still feel like I'm focusing on things that aren't necessarily bad, but doesn't help me focus on my spiritual goals.  Good people, I love sharing my experiences with you. Lately I have found myself pre planning my next post or getting too excited when I see the views. I don't want to lose the value of my spiritual experiences and I don't want to make my life seem amazing to please a crowd. Now don't get me wrong, I love sharing the stories of my skirt getting caught in my bike or the lessons I have learned but I think I'm getting wrapped up in sharing my stories instead of living them for this time in my life. I will be stopping the posts for a little while (hopefully we get I pads soon). I wasn't told by anyone to do this, I just want to set this time apart. I can't wait to get on again and tell you about this crazy and wonderful mission life. I still want to hear about your beautiful and full lives. I can't put my mailing address on here but I will leave my email. Send me a message sometime! Let me know what I can do to strengthen and uplift you and Vise Versa! I love you all good people. Please remember your worth in the eyes of God is great and powerful.

As Of Lately

Where The Wild things are


The People Around Me

Sister Woomer : Spirit

OK besides being one of the most beautiful girls in the mission, this girl right here bring the power to every meeting with her presence alone. When she teaches there is no way that you can deny the spirit. You leave each meeting feeling like you can take on anything that comes in your path. The spirit that she earnestly strives to keep, provides her with the power she needs to pierce even the coldest of hearts. I love this girl. She's fashionable, petite, and she can pound down a Mugshot's burger and fries like it's nothing! She has inspired me to teach with the spirit and to bold in every situation.


5 Months

I'm still trying to process the fact that I've been out 5 Whole months!! I can't believe it! I still fit into my skirts good people! These past 5 months have been hard and wonderful all at the same time. Seriously, every single day I am learning something new about myself or others. I feel my heart changing for the better. I'm allowing God to mold me into the person he wants me to be. I am starting to believe that I am enough for this mission. The people trust me and I want to continue to be worthy of that trust. I am so grateful for Sister Cooper. She's dope and she keeps me sane! Our childhoods are so similar and she is easy to relate to. This transfer has had a weird and awkward start but I am grateful that I have a companion that will always make you have a good laugh at the end of the day! I miss home sometimes. I will admit it. I miss dance and friends and Zupas, but I wouldn't trade this opportunity for anything. I have met people that are inspiring me to be better. I was looking through my old journal entries the other day and I ran across a quote by Frank Ocean. It says "Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.". Boasting about your progress is a horrible habit. Trust that as you work hard with out bragging, that your success will speak for itself. I love you good people! Have a wonderful week!

In other news

They left us. I'm sad

2. I'm laying off the make up for a bit
3. My skirt was on backwards most of the day
4. We walked all day and my ankles swelled up so I had to do an ice bath
5. Temperance 
6. I'm doing my nails (Won't my mommy be so proud of me)
7. We may be going to the zoo today (fingers crossed)
8. I met the sweetest British senior couple

Peace Out!