

Our Stones

I was reading in John the other day and I cam across the story of Jesus' encounter with the woman that committed adultery. The chapter starts off with Jesus humbly sitting with the people he was teaching. The scribes and Pharisees drag the woman into the temple and left her at Jesus' feet. They explained that her actions caused her to be stoned but they wanted Jesus' opinion first. The intentions of these men were not to get justice, but to tempt Jesus. He knelt and drew figures in the ground and said "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her". That statement hit me so hard. I know that I have found myself personally lying face down in front of my savior with my sins being ready to be thrown at my back. It is embarrassing and painful when our sins, whether big or small, are brought to light, but our Savior forgives and Forgets them. We all have our own personal stones that our Savior is trying to take from us, why add someone else stones upon you. My dear friends, none of us are perfect. We can not judge because of this. This story has encouraged me to focus on the good of others, instead of seeing their "stones". Jesus himself didn't even judge her. He simply said "Go and sin no more". Good people, I ;love and cherish every single one of you!

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