


So this picture is the only one I could find of me. The pose is awkward, whatever. Anyway, I miss you all good people! I want to know how your life is, so write me. I don't think it'd be O B Wise to put my mailing address out there but my email address is on here somewhere so...yeah email me. Ok so life has been pretty good lately. I think this past week I have learned the true value in being yourself. It is way to stressful to try to put on an image to fit in with certain types of people. I realized that being myself was enough to touch the hearts of the beautiful people of Montgomery, Alabama. I am not perfect and I still get ticked when someone scratches their fork against a plate, but I am willing to strengthen the gifts God has given me and Mold the insecurities the cunning one has capitalized on. I feel so free knowing that I could be enough. Good people, I'm not sure if this post makes sense. If you get anything out of this just know that you are enough.

In other news, 
1. transfers are coming up
2. I may be getting my hair done soon
3. We've been biking a lot (slim win)
4.My companion and I may or may not be cousins
5. I got a Spanish CTR ring the other day
6. Brandon Flowers is Mormon
check it out

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