

It is crazy to think that 2013 is coming to an end! I think about the series of events that have happen to me in the coarse of this year alone and I wouldn't change a single thing. I am so grateful for the people in my life. They have changed my outlook on life. I am grateful for the ability to dance and share my talent with others. I am grateful for road trips and nights of long boarding. I love that I have the opportunity to serve a mission in Alabama! I love this place! People, I hope 2013 was an amazing year for you! 2014... Let's Go!

Anyway  Let's take a look at this week!

We had a Baptism last Sunday! It was such a powerful Experience! This woman Is seriously so spiritually strong. Every time we met with her, she blew us away. We are so happy she has started this new chapter in her life!

Mission Christmas Party!

The Best Fort

So much love!


And I braided It Up!!! Love you good people!!!


The People Around Me

I have decided to start doing a segment about the people and missionaries that are around me here in Montgomery! These people have such wonderful Christlike attributes and they have inspired me.

Elder Evans : Humility

Humility is willingly submitting to the will of the Lord. Humility is giving praise to The Lord for everything. I think Elder Evans is the perfect example of this. He never boasts about himself. He is constantly thinking of others. He tries to serve everyone around him selflessly and he people are drawn to his kindness. He doesn't say much but his actions towards others says everything. He is truly a humble man and a quiet strength.

Sister Zackrison: Virtue

Virtue can me so many things. For me I think virtue is focusing on righteous, uplifting thoughts. I know that Sister Zackrison does just that. She is constantly searching for the positive in everyone. She relies on her Heavenly Father for strength when things get rough. She is constantly striving to live worthily. She always helps me see my worth. She refuses to let anyone think they aren't good enough! She also sends me letters of encouragement! I love this girl! She is beautiful inside and out. We were in the MTC together so it is wonderful having someone that can truly relate to my feelings. She is so aware of the Lord's hand in everything and she is an amazing friend to me.

Some of the many wonderful people around me.


Good things, Let's get Started.

Salvation Army "Angel tree" Event. 

Dinner with This beautiful and Humble Woman. I love her. 

White elephant Gift Exchange!

Ward Christmas party

(Can we all just appreciate the progression of my reactions as I realize the guy is using up almost all of my film)

Merry Christmas Everyone.