

My Home

The cool breeze with the scent of sea salt. Moist skin in the gentle Sun. Trains breaking a fairly silent day every 32 minutes. Weeds growing in the cracks of distressed roads and sidewalks. Kids playing double dutch. Boys waddling because their pants are obnoxiously low. Bright flowers. I love the lavender in the garden. Corinne Bailey Rae playing on my porch step. My sister, beautiful even if she is mad at the world. Michael, so gentle and meek... I love that about him. My mother's ribs and black bean rice on my plate. The fish market down the street with its overflowing customers. Men whistling at me. Angry parents yelling for their children to come inside and eat. My mother, so slim and beautiful... and not aging. Green all around me. Hip hop blasting from zooming cars. flowers to honor the falling on nearby sidewalks. The corner stores. The fried chicken shop one block down filling the evenings with the savory chicken. This is my home, and always will be.

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