

4 L E T T E R S

"The full and essential nature of love we may not understand, but there are tests by which it may be recognized. Love is always founded in truth. Lies and deceit, or any other violation of this moral law, are proofs of love's absence... Further, love does not hurt or injure the loved one...Cruelty is the absent of love... as truth is from untruth. Love is a POSITIVE active force. It helps the loved one... If there is need, love tries to supply it. If there is weakness, love supplants it with strength... Love that does not help is a faked love. Good as these tests are, there is a greater one. True love sacrifices for the loved one... that is the final test."
-John A Widstoe

Since I was a young girl, I have always been fascinated with the idea of love, and how it grows and matures over time and experience. I would watch husbands and wives interact with each other during church on Sundays and try to understand their drive and purpose for being with each other. In my home, I didn't have the opportunity to grow up with a father, and what I remember of him isn't the best things, so i guess without even realizing it, I started to develop fears and anxiety when it came to marriage. I didn't want to marry the wrong person or open myself up to someone that could hurt me. As I got older, anytime I imagined my family, I saw myself with beautiful children, but no companion. Watching my beautiful mother raise us inspired me to be the most hardworking dedicated mother to my children, but i realized that I had no idea how to be a wife. For those of you who don't know, I served an LDS mission in Alabama, and one of the main things we did as missionaries is teach people about families and how they can be eternal. At the beginning of my mission, I had a really hard time teaching this because secretly, I didn't believe it was something that I could have. I would plead with Heavenly Father to help me see my eternal family, and over time and truly serving others, I realized that I wanted my family to be based on true love, and that started with me. I read this quote the other day and it said, "A child went forth and became what he saw." Everything that I am, I give tribute to my mother's example. She gives her all in everything that she does. She's humble, kind, patient, and understands the meaning of sacrifice. She developed herself in such a way to raise an eternal family through example. I realized that I needed to develop qualities to have lasting eternal relationships, and that stems from true love. Love for my current family, Love for my dear friends, Love for my schooling and job and talents and everything else that has been provided for me to love with all of my heart. I know now that as I do those things, I will be prepared to love my sweet husband and future children with all of my heart. In my opinion, I believe that love is:
-Absence of Judgement
-Giving and Receiving
Just to name a few. The Savior has already set that foundation of love for us when He died for us. Every single one of us, regardless of who we are, where we grew up, or race or self expression has the access to His pure and honest love. In return, we can show that same love to those around us. I know that as I continue to love, give and sacrifice for those i care about, I will find someone whose is doing those same things. Someone told me the other day "whatever it is that makes you love the way you do, keep it. Never lose it." That really meant a lot to me because sometimes I allow people to determine my happiness or how much love I give out. But as I give out true love, regardless if it's received by others or not (which kind of hurts sometimes), I feel pure joy. Sometimes the love we give is rejected and it sucks, but focus on those that are not only receiving your love, but giving you love as well. You will be happy. Good people, continue to develop yourself and your talents and the right people will enter your life that will uplift you and truly LOVE you! Have faith in happiness and you will naturally be happy.