

She brings joy to this old heart.

Who is she?

 She has a faith that is rare and inspiring. Her stories of her life in Africa encourage me and provides my heart with peace. Her humility softens the hardest hearts. Her trials are real and they have motivated her and those around her. She is kind. She is hopeful. She follows God without hesitation. She is wise beyond her years. She is hilarious. She enjoys a good meal. She is crazy.  She is patient. She is beautiful. She can dance like no one else. She is connected to the spirit in a unique way. Her accent is thick. Her heart is full and honest. She's my mom and I am grateful for her more and more each day.
Thank you for being everything I need and more.
Happy Birthday.



John 6:35

The People Around Me

Elder Toro: Powerful
(Having great power or strength)
From his lessons to his interactions with the people around him, this guy is able to strengthen others through his inspirational words. Not only does he strive to understand his own power, he relies on the Ultimate power source to inspire others to go after what they desire most. "Only the humble are truly powerful". Humility allows one to be molded into the person God needs us to be. Thank you Elder Toro.

The People Around Me

Sister Cooper : Serenity
(the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled)
This girl is my sister. I found it extremely difficult to narrow down attributes for her. She has helped me through the hardest points of my mission and the most joyous. Every time I see her, an amazing wave of serenity fills my soul. That's exactly what she does. She fills you with peace with her energy. I will do our friendship injustice if I try to describe it. There are no words for how much she has blessed my life. I am grateful for her calm and peaceful mind. Thank you Sister Cooper.


Time. It goes.

The people around me

Sister Nelson: Meek
(quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive)
This dear human being has only brought me more peace of mind and comfort. I am grateful to have her in my life. If anyone has ever been around her, they can agree that her quiet and tame spirit can only humble the human spirit. I now see the value in a shy heart because of her. I have become more aware of others if I silence myself and listen to an even quieter voice. Thank you Sister Nelson.

The People Around Me

Elder "Freddy" Fredrickson: Loyal
giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.
This guy seals his word with his actions. He is there for anyone that God is there for. He is truly devoted to our Lord and Savior and I am humbled by his example. Because of him, I know that a devoted friend never gives up on your potential. Thank you Freddy for always showing your loyalty to our Heavenly Father and the people around you.